
The Clinical Trial Center was developed in order to provide centralized support for LLU clinical investigators and departments involved in clinical trials. Our role is assisting with the management of industry and federally sponsored trials. The Clinical Trial Center operates as a one-stop shop, and we are confident you will experience a high level of efficiency and customer service when working with us. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you to help make your trial a success.

For more information, please view our Clinical Trial Center brochure.

Identifying Principal Investigators For Your Trials

The Clinical Trial Center can assist you in identifying Loma Linda principal investigators with the research experience and expertise necessary to conduct your clinical trial. Please contact us at 909-558-5830 or via e-mail at ClinicalTrials@llu.edu and we will be happy to assist you.

Our Research Sponsors

We have many Sponsors and it would be impossible to list them all.  Below are Sponsors we have worked with on multiple occasions.